ICA-Group commits to the fight against climate change

Gerard Cañas de ICA Grupo con diploma de reconocimiento.

On 6 November, ICA-Group received the certificate of adhesion to the Voluntary Agreements for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GEH) in Catalonia.

The voluntary agreement is a seal of quality for companies and organisations in Catalonia that accredit a clear commitment to reducing the gases responsible for climate change. Through this programme, ICA-Group and 162 other companies voluntarily undertake to draw up an inventory of emissions each year and to plan and implement measures to reduce them.

Gerard Cañas, Industrial Engineer and Partner of ICA-Grupo, was in charge of collecting the certificate at the event organised by the Catalan Office of Climate Change of the Department of Territory and Sustainability.

Gerard Cañas de ICA Grupo con diploma de reconocimiento.

The Minister for Territory and Sustainability, Damià Calvet, the Secretary for the Environment and Sustainability, Marta Subirá, and the Director General for Environmental Quality and Climate Change, Mercè Rius, presented the Voluntary Agreements certificates to the 35 organisations that have joined the programme this year.

The Minister thanked "the commitment of the companies for their complicity in the Government's desire to involve Catalan society as much as possible in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, acting as leaders, spearheading this idea with enthusiasm and rigour, in an effective way, helping to make a better country".

Gerard Cañas, ingeniero de ICA Grupo, recibiendo diploma.

The Voluntary Agreements programme was set up in 2006 with the aim of providing organisations with a framework in which to show their commitment to reducing GHG emissions. In eight years, 163 organisations have joined the programme, one of which is ICA-Group, which have adopted actions aimed at reducing energy consumption.

One of the improvement actions planned by ICA-Grupo's management is the acquisition of an electric company car for 2019, which will drastically reduce the CO2 emissions generated by the company's journeys. In addition, as an expert engineering company in energy efficiencyThe improvements will not only be implemented at ICA-Group but will be extended to all customers.

At ICA Group we are committed to combating the effects of climate change and to the constant search for solutions that promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

You can see all the photos of the event here.