ICA-Grupo appears in the magazine "Theknos" in an article about the Casa Seat project.

Jordi Cañas Guerra y Gerard Cañas trabajando en la la empresa de ingeniería ICA-Grupo

The magazine "Theknos" has published an article about ICA-Grupo and the Casa Seat project.

We are pleased to share that ICA-Group is featured in the latest edition of the magazine "Theknos" of the Association of Graduate Engineers and Industrial Technical Engineers of Barcelona. The article, written by David Román, focuses on our crucial role in the Casa Seat building project on Barcelona's Paseo de Gracia, which has been refurbished by the architecture studio OAB Carlos Ferrater.

ICA Grupo carried out the project management of this exceptional project, demonstrating our approach to project management, controlling costs and meeting deadlines. We worked closely with multiple professionals and companies to achieve harmony on this complex project.

Casa Seat is a multidisciplinary centre offering a variety of spaces and functions, from an auditorium to coworking areas, a restaurant, meeting rooms, and more. In addition, should allow the display of cars on all floors of the building, which involved the creation of a special forklift. ICA Grupo took responsibility for coordinating this critical part of the project, ensuring that everything was in line with the highest quality standards.

We invite you to read the full article in the magazine "Theknos"! You will find it on pages 40 and 41.
You can also read it in image format below:

ICA-Group strengthens its professional links with ACI and AEDICI

Colaboración de ICA-Grupo con ACI y AEDICI para avanzar en ingeniería y arquitectura sostenible en Barcelona.

Strengthening our professional links

ICA-Group is proud to announce its continued association as a member of two leading facility associations: ACI (Associació de Consultors d'Instal-lacions) at local level in Catalonia, and AEDICI (Asociación Española de Ingenierías e Ingenieros Consultores de Instalaciones) at national level in Spain.

In 2023, ICA-Grupo became an associate member of ACI, a Catalan association that promotes prestige and excellence in the local facilities consulting profession. Since September 2018, we have also been part of AEDICI, a national association that brings together facility consulting engineers from all over the country.

Keeping up to date with regulations and trends

Our partnership with ACI and AEDICI gives us access to up-to-date information on regulations and trends in the field of installations, allowing us to keep up to date with the latest developments both locally and nationally.

Contributing to professional development

Through our participation in ACI and AEDICI, we contribute to the professional and technical development of our industry while keeping abreast of best practices and standards in facilities engineering and architecture.

ICA-Group: Committed to Quality and Excellence

At ICA-Group, our partnership with ACI and AEDICI reflects our ongoing commitment to quality and excellence in all our projects. We are committed to continue to be industry leaders and to offer first class services to our customers throughout Catalonia and Spain.

Maintaining our commitment

We will continue to leverage the resources and network of contacts provided by ACI and AEDICI to ensure that our projects meet the highest professional and technical standards, thus benefiting our clients and partners.

For more information about our partnership with ACI and AEDICI, as well as our services in the field of installations, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to serve you and to meet your needs for engineering and architecture.